Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, this website is more of a hobby for me. Please be paitient and if something on the website doesn’t work as expected don’t give up and let me know via email.

It is too complicated to place an order on your website.

You can place an order or inquiry via email. In the emaildecribe what you are looking for, what colors, what amount, and I will get back to you with an offer. I can send you an invoice and procceed the order without placing the order on the website. With more complex or bigger orders it is easier.

I cannot place an order from my country.

I ship only within Europe. For environmental reasons.

If you are in Europe and for some reason it is still not possible to place an order, please write me an email and I will solve it.

Do you offer discounts?

We offer discounts to schools and NGOs. If you are one of the above, you can let us know via email prior to your order.

Discount for big orders are already priced in. 10 kg order costs significatly less per kg than a 1 kg order. Therefore we don’t offer addtional discounts for the size of your order.

What is Nm?

Nm is a metric yarn count which tells you how many kilometers of yarn there are in 1 kilogram (or how many hundreds of meters in 100 grams, if you like.) The number behind the forward slash shows how many threads there are in the yarn. So a yarn 6/2 Nm would have two threads each of which would measure 6 km of length in 1 kg.

How does Nm convert to tex?

Tex also tells the same ratio between yarn length and weight, only inverted, based on length as the constant value. The number tells us how many grams would a kilometer of yarn weigh. So a kilometer of 125 tex yarn would weigh 125 grams. To convert tex to Nm and back just divide 1000 by the yarn count number and you get the inverse yarn count. Example: the 125 tex = 8 Nm.

Can I pay in a different currency?

At this moment we only accept payments in EUR.

Can I receive a sample first?

Yes, you can. Please write us an e-mail describing your needs and specifying your address. Based on your location and amount of the samples we might charge you a small shipping cost or send a sample for free.

You didn’t find your answer?

Please let us know. we will be happy to answer it and add it to this list.